游戏人工智能编程案例精粹(修订版) (Mat Buckland 著)
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第1章 数学和物理学初探

  1.1 数学

    1.1.1 笛卡尔坐标系

    1.1.2 函数和方程

    1.1.3 三角学



    1.1.4 矢量

struct Vector2D {    double x;    double y;    Vector2D() :x(0.0), y(0.0) {}    Vector2D(double a, double b) : x(a), y(b) {}    // 置x和y为0    inline void Zero();    // 如果x和y都为0的话返回TRUE    inline bool isZero() const;    // 返回矢量的长度    inline double Length() const;    // 返回矢量长度的平方(从而可以避免开方运算    inline double LengthSq() const;    inline void Normalize();    // 返回this和v2的点乘值    inline double Dot(const Vector2D & v2) const;    // 如果v2在this矢量的顺时针方向返回正值    // 如果在逆时针方向返回负值(假设Y轴的箭头是指向下面的,X轴指向右边就像一个窗户应用)    inline int Sign(const Vector2D & v2) const;    // 返回与this矢量正交的向量    inline Vector2D Perp() const;    // 调整x和y使矢量的长度不会超过最大值    inline void Truncate(double max);    // 返回this矢量与一个作为参数被传递的矢量之间的距离    inline double Distance(const Vector2D & v2) const;    // 上面的平方    inline double DistanceSq(const Vector2D & v2) const;    // 返回与this矢量相反的矢量    inline Vector2D GetReverse() const;    // 我们需要的一些操作    const Vector2D & operator+=(const Vector2D & rhs);    const Vector2D & operator-=(const Vector2D & rhs);    const Vector2D & operator*=(const double & rhs);    const Vector2D & operator/=(const double & rhs);    bool operator==(const Vector2D & rhs) const;    bool operator!=(const Vector2D & rhs) const;};

    1.1.5 局部空间和世界空间

  1.2 物理学

    1.2.1 时间



    1.2.2 距离


    1.2.3 质量


    1.2.4 位置



    1.2.5 速度

速度是一个矢量(一个具有大小和方向的量),表达了距离相对于时间的变化率.度量速度的标准单位是m/s(米每秒).v = Δx/Δt

class Vehicle {    // 在空间中用一个矢量表现车的位置    vector m_vPosition;    // 一个矢量表现车的速度    vector m_vVelocity;public:    // 调用每一帧更新车的位置    void Update(float TimeElapsedSinceLastUpdate) {        m_vPosition += m_vVelocity * TimeElapsedSinceLastUpdate;    }};// 使用一个恒定的更新步长进行模拟更新void Vehicle::Update() {    m_vPosition += m_vVelocity;}
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    1.2.6 加速度

加速度是一个矢量,表达的是在时间段上速度的变化率,用米每二次方秒来度量,写作m/s2.a = Δv/Δt

    1.2.7 力

根据英国物理学家牛顿的学说: 外力是为了改变物体的静止或匀速直线运动的状态而施加在物体上的作用.因此,力(Force)是可以改变物体的速度或者运动线路的量.


  1.3 总结

第2章 状态驱动智能体设计

有限状态机,常常称作FSM(Finite State Machine),多年来已经作为人工智能编程者们选用的工具用于设计具有智能幻觉的游戏智能体.你会发现从视频游戏的早期开始,这种或那种FSM正是每个游戏所选中的架构;尽管更专业的智能体结构越来越普及,但FSM架构还将在今后很长时间内无处不在.为何会这样?原因如下

  [编程快速简单]  有很多方法编码一个有限状态机,并且几乎所有的有限状态机实现都相当的简单

  [易于调试]  因为一个游戏智能体的行为被分解成简单的易于管理的块,如果一个智能体开始变得行动怪异,会通过对每一个状态增加跟踪代码l来调试它.用这种方法,人工智能程序员可以很容易跟踪错误行为出现前的事件序列,并且采取相应的行动

  [很少的计算开销]  有限状态机几乎不占用珍贵的处理器时间,因为它们本质上遵守硬件编码的规则.除了if-this-then-that类型的思考处理之外,是不存在真正的"思考"的

  [直觉性]  人们总是自然地把事物思考为处在一种或另一种状态.并且我们也常常提到我们自己处在这样那样的状态中.有多少次你"使自己进入一种状态"或者发现自己处于"头脑的正确状态".当然人类并不是像有限状态机一样工作,但是有时候我们发现在这种方式下考虑我们的行为是有用的.相似地,将一个游戏智能体的行为分解成一些状态并且创建需要的规则来操作它们是相当容易的.出于同样的原因,有限状态机能够使你很容易地与非程序员(例如与游戏制片人和关卡设计师)来讨论你的人工智能的设计,能够更好地进行设计概念的沟通和交流

  [灵活性]  一个游戏智能体的有限状态机可以很容易地由程序员j进行调整,来达到游戏设计者所要求的行为.同样通过增添新的状态和规则也很容易扩展一个智能体的行为的范围.此外,当你的人工智能技术提高了,你会发现有限状态机提供了一个坚固的支柱,使你可以用它来组合其他的技术,例如模糊逻辑和神经网络.

  2.1 什么是有限状态机



  2.2 有限状态机的实现

enum StateType{ RuanAway, Patrol, Attack };void Agent::UpdateState(StateType CurrentState) {    switch(CurrentState) {    case state_RunAway:        EvadeEnemy();        if (Safe()) {            ChangeState(state_Patrol);        }        break;    case state_Patrol:        FollowPatrolPath();        if (Theatened()) {            if (StrongerThanEnemy()) {                ChangeState(state_Attack);            } else {                ChangeState(state_RunAway);            }        }        break;    case state_Attack:        if (WeakerThanEnemy()) {            ChangeState(state_RunAway);        } else {            BashEnemyOverHead();        }        break;    }}
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虽然初看之下,这个方法是合理的,但当实际应用到任何一个比最简单的游戏稍复杂的情况,switch/if-then 解决方法就变成了一个怪物


    2.2.1 状态转换表



    2.2.2 内置的规则



class State {public:    virtual void Execute(Troll * troll) = 0;};class Troll {    State * m_pCurrentState;public:    void Update() {        m_pCurrentState->Execute(this);    }        void ChangeState(const State * pNewState) {        delete m_pCurrentState;        m_pCurrentState = pNewState;    }};class State_RunAway : public State {public:    void Execute(Troll * troll) {        if (troll->isSafe()) {            troll->ChangeState(new State);        } else {            troll->MoveAwayFromEnemy();        }    }};class State_Sleep: public State {public:    void Execute(Troll * troll) {        if (troll->isThreatened()) {            troll->ChangeState(new State_RunAway());        } else {            troll->Snore();        }    }};
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  2.3 West World 项目

    2.3.1 BaseGameEntity类

class BaseGameEntity {private:    // 每个实体具有一个唯一的识别数字    int    m_ID;    // 这是下一个有效的ID.每次BaseGameEntity被实例化这个值就被更新    static int m_iNextValidID;    // 在构造函数中调用这个来确认ID被正确设置,在设置ID和增量前,    // 它校验传递给方法的值是大于还是等于下一个有效的ID    void SetID(int val);public:    BaseGameEntity(int id) {        SetID(id);    }    virtual ~BaseGameEntity() {}    // 所有的实体必须执行一个更新函数    virtual void Update() = 0;    int  ID() const { return m_ID; }};

    2.3.2 Miner类

class Miner : public BaseGameEntity {private:    // 指向一个状态实例的指针    State * m_pCurrentState;    // 矿工当前所处的位置    location_type m_Location;    // 矿工的包中装了多少天然金块    int    m_iGoldCarried;    // 矿工在银行存了多少钱    int m_iMoneyInBank;    // 矿工的口渴值    int m_iThirst;    // 矿工的疲劳值    int m_iFatigue;public:    Miner(int ID);    // 这是必须被执行的    void Update();    // 这个方法改变当前的状态到一个新的状态    void ChangeState(State * pNewState);    // 省略了大量的接口};void Miner::Update() {    m_iThirst += 1;    if (m_pCurrentState) {        m_pCurrentState->Execute(this);    }}

    2.3.3 Miner状态

    2.3.4 重访问的状态设计模式

class State {public:    virtual ~State() {}    // 当状态被进入时执行这个    virtual void Enter(Miner *) = 0;    // 每一更新步骤这个被矿工更新函数调用    virtual void Execute(Miner *) = 0;    // 当状态退出时执行这个    virtual void Exit(Miner *) = 0;};void Miner::ChangeState(State * pNewState) {    // 调用现有状态的退出方法    m_pCurrentState->Exit(this);    // 改变状态到新的状态    m_pCurrentState = pNewState;    // 调用新状态的进入方法    m_pCurrentState->Enter(this);}
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/* --------------------- MyClass.h ----------------- */#ifndef MY_SINGLETON#define MY_SINGLETONclass MyClass {private:    // 数据成员    int m_iNum;    // 构造器是私有的    MyClass() {}    // 拷贝构造函数和赋值运算符应该是私有的    MyClass& operator=(const MyClass &);public:    // 严格的说,singleton的析构函数应该是私有的,但是一些编译器    // 处理这种情况会出现问题,因此让它们作为公有的    ~MyClass();    // 方法    int GetVal() const { return m_iNum; }    static MyClass * Instance();};/* --------------------- MyClass.cpp ----------------- */MyClass* MyClass::Instance() {    static MyClass instance;    return &instance;}

  2.4 使State基类可重用

class State {public: virtual void Enter(entity_type *) = 0; virtual void Execute(entity_type *) = 0; virtual void Exit(entity_type *) = 0; virtual ~State() {}};class EnterMineAndDigForNugget : public State
{public: /* 省略 */};
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  2.5 全局状态和状态翻转 (State Blip)

当设计一个有限状态机时,你往往会因为在每一个状态中复制代码而死掉.例如,在流行的游戏Maxis公司的<<模拟人生>>(The Sims)中,Sim可能会感到本能的迫切要求,不得不去洗手间方便.这种急切的需求会发生在Sim的任何状态或任何可能的时间.假设当前的设计,是为了把这类行为赋予挖金矿工,复制条件的逻辑将会被加进他的每一个状态,或者,放置进Miner::Update函数.虽然后面的解决方法是可接受的,但最好创建一个全局状态,这样每次FSM更新时就会被调用.那样,所有用于FSM的逻辑被包含在状态中并且不在拥有FSM的智能体类中

除了全局行为之外,偶尔地让智能体带着一个条件进入一个状态也会带来方便,条件就是当状态退出时,智能体返回到前一个状态.我们称这种行为为状态翻转(State Blip)

class Miner : public BaseGameEntity {private:    State
* m_pCurrentState; State
* m_pPreviousState; State
* m_pGlobalState; ...public: void ChangeState(State
* pNewState); void RevertToPreviousState(); ...};
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  2.6 创建一个StateMachine类


class StateMachine {private: // 指向拥有这个实例的智能体的指针 entity_type * m_pOwner; State
* m_pCurrentState; // 智能体处于的上一个状态的记录 State
* m_pPreviousState; // 每次FSM被更新时,这个状态逻辑被调用 State
* m_pGlobalState;public: StateMachine(entity_type * owner) : m_pOwner(owner), m_pCurrentState(NULL), m_pPreviousState(NULL), m_pGlobalState(NULL) {} // 使用这些方法来初始化FSM void SetCurrentState(State
* s) { m_pCurrentState = s;} void SetGlobalState(State
* s) { m_pGlobalState = s; } void SetPreviousState(State
* s) { m_pPrevisouState = s; } // 调用这个来更新FSM void Update() const { // 如果一个全局状态存在,调用它的执行方法 if (m_pGlobalState) m_pGlobalState->Execute(m_pOwner); // 对当前的状态相同 if (m_pCurrentState) m_pCurrentState->Execute(m_pOwner); } // 改变到一个新状态 void ChangeState(State
* pNewState) { assert(pNewState && "
: trying to change to a null state"); // 保留前一个状态的记录 m_pPreviousState = m_pCurrentState; // 调用现有的状态的退出方法 m_pCurrentState->Exit(m_pOwner); // 改变状态到一个新状态 m_pCurrentState = pNewState; // 调用新状态的进入方法 m_pCurrentState->Enter(m_pOwner);} // 改变状态回到前一个状态 void RevertToPreviousState() { ChangeState(m_pPreviousState); } // 访问 State
* CurrentState() const { return m_pCurrentState; } State
* GlobalState() const { return m_pGlobalState; } State
* PrevisouState() const { return m_pPreviousState; } // 如果当前的状态类型等于作为指针传递的类的类型,返回true bool isInState(const State
& st) const;};
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class Miner : public BaseGameEntity {private:    // state machine类的一个实例    StateMachine
* m_pStateMachine; /* 无关系的细节被省略了 */public: Miner(int id) : m_Location(shack), m_iGoldCarried(0), m_iMoneyInBank(0), m_iThirst(0), m_iFatigue(0), BaseGameEntity(id) { // 建立state machine m_pStateMachine = new StateMachine
(this); m_pStateMachine->SetCurrentState(GoHomeAndSleepTilRested::Instance()); m_pStateMachine->SetGlobalState(MinerGlobalState::Instance()); } ~Miner() { delete m_pStateMachine; } void Update() { ++m_iThirst; m_pStateMachine->Update(); } StateMachine
* GetFSM() const { return m_pStateMachine;} /* 无关系的细节被省略了 */};
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  2.7 引入Elsa

  2.8 为你的FSM增加消息功能








    2.8.1 Telegram的结构

struct Telegram {    // 发送这个telegram的实体    int Sender;    // 接收这个telegram的实体    int Receiver;    // 信息本身,所有的枚举值都在文件中    // "MessageType.h"    int Msg;    // 可以被立即发送或者延迟一个指定数量的时间后发送的信息    // 如果一个延迟是必须的,这个域打上时间戳,消息应该在此时间后被发送    double DispatchTime;    // 任何应该伴随着消息的额外信息    void * ExtraInfo;    /* 省略构造器 */};
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    2.8.2 矿工Bob和Elsa交流

    2.8.3 消息发送和管理

class EntityManager {private:    // to save the ol' fingers    typedef std::map
EntityMap; // 促进更快的寻找存储在std::map中的实体, // 其中指向实体的指针是利用实体的识别数值来交叉参考的 EntityMap m_EntityMap; EntityManager() {} // 拷贝ctor和分配应该是私有的 EntityManager(const EntityManager &); EntityManager& operator=(const EntityManager &);public: static EntityManager * Instance(); // 该方法存储了一个指向实体的指针在std::vector中 // m_Entities在索引位置上由实体的ID显示(获得更快速的访问) void RegisterEntity(BaseGameEntity * NewEntity); // 给出ID作为一个参数,返回一个指向实体的指针 BaseGameEntity * GetEntityFromID(int id) const; // 该方法从列表中移除实体 void RemoveEntity(BaseGameEntity * pEntity);};// 提供了对EntityManager的一个实例的访问#define EntityMgr EntityManager::Instance()Miner * Bob = new Miner(ent_Miner_Bob);EntityMgr->RegisterEntity(Bob);Entity * pBob = EntityMgr->GetEntityFromID(ent_Miner_Bob);class MessageDispatcher {private: // 一个std::set被用于作为延迟的消息的容器,因为这样的好处是可以 // 自动地排序和避免产生重复 std::set
PriorityQ; // 该方法被DispatchMessage或者DispatchDelaydMessage利用 // 该方法用最新创建的telegram调用接收实体的消息处理成员函数 // pReceiver void Discharge(Entity * pReceiver, const Telegram & msg); MessageDispatcher() {}public: // 这是一个singleton类 static MessageDispatcher * Instance(); // 向另一个智能体发送消息 void DispatchMessage(double delay, int sender, int receiver, int msg, void * ExtraInfo); // 发送任何延迟的消息,该方法每次通过主游戏循环被调用 void DispatchDelayMessage();};// 使生活更舒适.. 哈哈#define Dispatch MessageDispatcher::Instance()// 得到一个指向信息接收者的指针Entity * pReceiver = EntityMgr->GetEntityFromID(receiver);// 创建一个telegramTelegram telegram(delay, sender, receiver, msg, ExtraInfo);// 如果不存在延迟,立即发送telegramif (delay <= 0.0) { // 发送telegram到接收器 Discharge(pReceiver, telegram);}// 否则,当telegram应该被发送的时候计算时间else { double CurrentTime = Clock->GetCurrentTime(); telegram.DispatchTime = CurrentTime + delay; // 并且将它放入队列 PriorityQ.insert(telegram);}void MessageDispatcher::DispatchDelayMessages() { // 首先得到当前的时间 double CurrentTime = Clock->GetCurrentTime(); // 查看队列中是否有telegram需要发送. // 从队列的前端移除所有的已经过期的telegram while ((PriorityQ.begin()->DispatchTime < CurrentTime) && (PriorityQ.begin()->DispatchTime > 0) { // 从队列的前面读telegram Telegram telegram = *PriorityQ.begin(); // 找到接收者 Entity * pReceiver = EntityMgr->GetEntityFromID(telegram.Receiver); // 发送telegram到接收者 Discharge(pReceiver, telegram); // 并且从队列中移除它 PriorityQ.erase(PriorityQ.begin()); }}
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    2.8.4 消息处理

class BaseGameEntity {private:    int m_ID;    /* 为清晰起见,移除无关系的细节 */public:    // 所有的子类可以使用消息交流    virtual bool HandleMessage(const Telegram & msg) = 0;    /* 为清晰起见移除无关系的细节 */};template 
class State {public: // 如果智能体从消息发送器中接收了一条消息执行这个 virtual bool OnMessage(entity_type *, const Telegram &) = 0; /* 为清晰起见移除无关系的细节 */};bool StateMachine::HandleMessage(const Telegram & msg) cosnt { // 首先看看当前的状态是否是有效的并且可以处理消息 if (m_pCurrentState && m_pCurrentState->OnMessage(m_pOwner, msg)) { return true; } // 如果不是,且如果一个全局状态被执行,发送消息给全局状态 if (m_pGlobalState && m_pGlobalState->OnMessage(m_pOwner, msg)) { return true; } return false;}bool Miner::HandleMessage(const Telegram & msg) { return m_pStateMachine->HandleMessage(msg);}
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    2.8.5 Elsa做晚饭

    2.8.6 总结

WestWorld1 代码

#ifndef LOCATION_H_#define LOCATION_H_enum location_type {    shack,    goldmine,    bank,    saloon};#endif
#ifndef NAMES_H#define NAMES_H#include 
enum { ent_Miner_Bob, ent_Elsa};inline std::string GetNameOfEntity(int n) { switch (n) { case ent_Miner_Bob: return "Miner Bob"; case ent_Elsa: return "Elsa"; default: return "UNKNOWN"; }}#endif
#ifndef STATE_H_#define STATE_H_class Miner;class State {public:    virtual ~State() {}    // this will execute when the state is entered    virtual void Enter(Miner *) = 0;    // this is the state's normal update function    virtual void Execute(Miner *) = 0;    // this will execute when the state is exited    virtual void Exit(Miner *) = 0;};#endif
#include "State.h"// In this state the miner will walk to a goldmine and pick up a nugget of gold.// If the miner already has a nugget of gold he'll change state to VisitBankAndDepositGold.// If he gets thirsty he'll change state to QuenchThirstclass EnterMineAndDigForNugget : public State {public: EnterMineAndDigForNugget() { } EnterMineAndDigForNugget(const EnterMineAndDigForNugget &); EnterMineAndDigForNugget& operator=(const EnterMineAndDigForNugget &);public: static EnterMineAndDigForNugget * Instance(); virtual void Enter(Miner * miner); virtual void Execute(Miner * miner); virtual void Exit(Miner * miner);};#endif// Entity will go to a bank and deposit any nuggets he is carrying.// If the miner is subsequently wealthy enough he'll walk home,// otherwise he'll keep going to get more goldclass VisitBankAndDepositGold : public State {private: VisitBankAndDepositGold() {} VisitBankAndDepositGold(const VisitBankAndDepositGold &); VisitBankAndDepositGold& operator=(const VisitBankAndDepositGold &);public: static VisitBankAndDepositGold * Instance(); virtual void Enter(Miner * miner); virtual void Execute(Miner * miner); virtual void Exit(Miner * miner);};// Miner will go home and sleep until his fatigue is decreased sufficientlyclass GoHomeAndSleepTilRested : public State {private: GoHomeAndSleepTilRested() {} GoHomeAndSleepTilRested(const GoHomeAndSleepTilRested &); GoHomeAndSleepTilRested& operator=(const GoHomeAndSleepTilRested &);public: static GoHomeAndSleepTilRested * Instance(); virtual void Enter(Miner * miner); virtual void Execute(Miner * miner); virtual void Exit(Miner * miner);};class QuenchThirst : public State {private: QuenchThirst() {} QuenchThirst(const QuenchThirst &); QuenchThirst& operator=(const QuenchThirst &);public: static QuenchThirst * Instance(); virtual void Enter(Miner * miner); virtual void Execute(Miner * miner); virtual void Exit(Miner * miner);};
#ifndef BASE_GAME_ENTITY_H_#define BASE_GAME_ENTITY_H_class BaseGameEntity {private:    // every entity must have a unique identifying number    int m_ID;    // this is the next valid ID. Each time a BaseGameEntity is instantiated, this value is udpated    static int m_iNextValidID;    // this must be called within the constructor to make sure the ID is set correctly.    // It verifies that the value passed to the method si greater or equal to the next valid ID,    // before setting the ID and incrementing the next valid ID    void SetID(int val);public:    BaseGameEntity(int id) {        SetID(id);    }    virtual ~BaseGameEntity() {}    // all entities must implement an update function    virtual void Update() = 0;    int ID() const {        return m_ID;    }};#endif
#ifndef MINER_H_#define MINER_H_#include 
#include "BaseGameEntity.h"#include "Location.h"class State;// the amount of gold a miner must have before he feels comfortableconst int ComfortLevel = 5;// the amount of nuggets a miner can carryconst int MaxNuggets = 3;// above this value miner is thirstyconst int ThirstLevel = 5;// above this value a miner is sleepyconst int TirednessThreshold = 5;class Miner : public BaseGameEntity {private: State * m_pCurrentState; location_type m_Location; int m_iGoldCarried; int m_iMoneyInBank; int m_iThirst; int m_iFatigue;public: Miner(int id); void Update(); // this method changes the current state to the new state. It first calls the Exit() method of the current state, // then assign the new state to m_pCurrentState and finally calls the Enter() method of the new state void ChangeState(State * new_State); location_type Location() const { return m_Location;} void ChangeLocation(const location_type loc) { m_Location = loc; } int GoldCarried() const { return m_iGoldCarried; } void SetGoldCarried(const int val) { m_iGoldCarried = val; } void AddToGoldCarried(const int val); bool PocketsFull() const { return m_iGoldCarried >= MaxNuggets; } bool Fatigued() const; void DecreaseFatigue() { m_iFatigue -= 1; } void IncreaseFatigue() { m_iFatigue += 1; } int Wealth() const { return m_iMoneyInBank; } void SetWealth(const int val) { m_iMoneyInBank = val; } void AddToWealth(const int val); bool Thirsty() const; void BuyAndDrinkAWhiskey() { m_iThirst = 0; m_iMoneyInBank -= 1; }};#endif
#ifndef CONSOLE_UTILS_H#define CONSOLE_UTILS_H#include 
inline void SetTextColor(WORD colors) { HANDLE hConsole = GetStdHandle(STD_OUTPUT_HANDLE); SetConsoleTextAttribute(hConsole, colors);}inline void PressAnyKeyToContinue() { SetTextColor(FOREGROUND_BLUE | FOREGROUND_RED | FOREGROUND_GREEN); std::cout << "\n\nPress any key to continue" << std::endl; while (!_kbhit()) { } return;}#endif
#include "BaseGameEntity.h"int BaseGameEntity::m_iNextValidID = 0;void BaseGameEntity::SetID(int val) { assert((val >= m_iNextValidID) && "
: invalid ID"); m_ID = val; m_iNextValidID = m_ID + 1;}
#include "MinerOwnedStates.h"#include "Miner.h"#include "EntityNames.h"#include "ConsoleUtils.h"using std::cout;EnterMineAndDigForNugget * EnterMineAndDigForNugget::Instance() { static EnterMineAndDigForNugget instance; return &instance;}void EnterMineAndDigForNugget::Enter(Miner * miner) { if (miner->Location() != goldmine) { SetTextColor(FOREGROUND_RED | FOREGROUND_INTENSITY); cout << "\n" << GetNameOfEntity(miner->ID()) << ": " << "Walking to the goldmine"; miner->ChangeLocation(goldmine); }}void EnterMineAndDigForNugget::Execute(Miner * miner) { miner->AddToGoldCarried(1); miner->IncreaseFatigue(); SetTextColor(FOREGROUND_RED | FOREGROUND_INTENSITY); cout << "\n" << GetNameOfEntity(miner->ID()) << ": " << "Picking up a nugget"; if (miner->PocketsFull()) { miner->ChangeState(VisitBankAndDepositGold::Instance()); } if (miner->Thirsty()) { miner->ChangeState(QuenchThirst::Instance()); }}void EnterMineAndDigForNugget::Exit(Miner * miner) { SetTextColor(FOREGROUND_RED | FOREGROUND_INTENSITY); cout << "\n" << GetNameOfEntity(miner->ID()) << ": " << "Ah'm leaving the goldmine with mah pockets full of sweet gold";}VisitBankAndDepositGold * VisitBankAndDepositGold::Instance() { static VisitBankAndDepositGold instance; return &instance;}void VisitBankAndDepositGold::Enter(Miner * miner) { if (miner->Location() != bank) { SetTextColor(FOREGROUND_RED | FOREGROUND_INTENSITY); cout << "\n" << GetNameOfEntity(miner->ID()) << ": " << "Going to the bank. Yes siree"; } miner->ChangeLocation(bank);}void VisitBankAndDepositGold::Execute(Miner * miner) { miner->AddToWealth(miner->GoldCarried()); miner->SetGoldCarried(0); SetTextColor(FOREGROUND_RED | FOREGROUND_INTENSITY); cout << "\n" << GetNameOfEntity(miner->ID()) << ": " << "Depositing gold. Total savings now: " << miner->Wealth(); if (miner->Wealth() >= ComfortLevel) { SetTextColor(FOREGROUND_RED | FOREGROUND_INTENSITY); cout << "\n" << GetNameOfEntity(miner->ID()) << ": " << "WooHoo! Rich enough for now. Back home to mah li'lle lady"; miner->ChangeState(GoHomeAndSleepTilRested::Instance()); } else { miner->ChangeState(EnterMineAndDigForNugget::Instance()); }}void VisitBankAndDepositGold::Exit(Miner * miner) { SetTextColor(FOREGROUND_RED | FOREGROUND_INTENSITY); cout << "\n" << GetNameOfEntity(miner->ID()) << ": " << "Leavin' the bank";}GoHomeAndSleepTilRested * GoHomeAndSleepTilRested::Instance() { static GoHomeAndSleepTilRested instance; return &instance;}void GoHomeAndSleepTilRested::Enter(Miner * miner) { if (miner->Location() != shack) { SetTextColor(FOREGROUND_RED | FOREGROUND_INTENSITY); cout << "\n" << GetNameOfEntity(miner->ID()) << ": " << "Walking home"; miner->ChangeLocation(shack); }}void GoHomeAndSleepTilRested::Execute(Miner * miner) { if (!miner->Fatigued()) { SetTextColor(FOREGROUND_RED | FOREGROUND_INTENSITY); cout << "\n" << GetNameOfEntity(miner->ID()) << ": " << "What a God darn fantastic nap! Time to find more gold"; miner->ChangeState(EnterMineAndDigForNugget::Instance()); } else { miner->DecreaseFatigue(); SetTextColor(FOREGROUND_RED | FOREGROUND_INTENSITY); cout << "\n" << GetNameOfEntity(miner->ID()) << ": " << "ZZZZ... "; }}void GoHomeAndSleepTilRested::Exit(Miner * miner) { SetTextColor(FOREGROUND_RED | FOREGROUND_INTENSITY); cout << "\n" << GetNameOfEntity(miner->ID()) << ": " << "Leaving the house";}QuenchThirst * QuenchThirst::Instance() { static QuenchThirst instance; return &instance;}void QuenchThirst::Enter(Miner * miner) { if (miner->Location() != saloon) { miner->ChangeLocation(saloon); SetTextColor(FOREGROUND_RED | FOREGROUND_INTENSITY); cout << "\n" << GetNameOfEntity(miner->ID()) << ": " << "Boy, ah sure is thusty! Walking to the saloon"; }}void QuenchThirst::Execute(Miner * miner) { if (miner->Thirsty()) { miner->BuyAndDrinkAWhiskey(); SetTextColor(FOREGROUND_RED | FOREGROUND_INTENSITY); cout << "\n" << GetNameOfEntity(miner->ID()) << ": " << "That's mighty fine sippin liquer"; miner->ChangeState(EnterMineAndDigForNugget::Instance()); } else { SetTextColor(FOREGROUND_RED | FOREGROUND_INTENSITY); cout << "\nError!\nError!\nError!"; }}void QuenchThirst::Exit(Miner * miner) { SetTextColor(FOREGROUND_RED | FOREGROUND_INTENSITY); cout << "\n" << GetNameOfEntity(miner->ID()) << ": " << "Leaving the saloon, feelin' good";}
#include "Miner.h"#include "MinerOwnedStates.h"Miner::Miner(int id) :     BaseGameEntity::BaseGameEntity(id),     m_Location(shack),     m_iGoldCarried(0),     m_iMoneyInBank(0),     m_iThirst(0),     m_iFatigue(0),     m_pCurrentState(GoHomeAndSleepTilRested::Instance()) {}void Miner::ChangeState(State * newState) {    m_pCurrentState->Exit(this);    m_pCurrentState = newState;    m_pCurrentState->Enter(this);}void Miner::AddToGoldCarried(const int val) {    m_iGoldCarried += val;    if (m_iGoldCarried < 0) {        m_iGoldCarried = 0;    }}void Miner::AddToWealth(const int val) {    m_iMoneyInBank += val;    if (m_iMoneyInBank < 0) {        m_iMoneyInBank = 0;    }}bool Miner::Thirsty() const {    if (m_iThirst >= ThirstLevel) {        return true;    }    return false;}void Miner::Update() {    m_iThirst += 1;    if (m_pCurrentState) {        m_pCurrentState->Execute(this);    }}bool Miner::Fatigued() const {    if (m_iFatigue > TirednessThreshold) {        return true;    }    return false;}
#include "Miner.h"#include "EntityNames.h"#include "Location.h"#include "ConsoleUtils.h"int main() {    Miner miner(ent_Miner_Bob);    for (int i = 0; i < 20; i++) {        miner.Update();        Sleep(1000);    }    PressAnyKeyToContinue();}

WestWorldWithWomen 代码

#ifndef LOCATIONS_H#define LOCATIONS_Henum location_type {    shack,    goldmine,    bank,    saloon};#endif
#ifndef NAMES_H#define NAMES_H#include 
enum { ent_Miner_Bob, ent_Elsa};inline std::string GetNameOfEntity(int n) { switch (n) { case ent_Miner_Bob: return "Miner Bob"; case ent_Elsa: return "Elsa"; default: return "UNKNOWN!"; }}#endif
#ifndef ENTITY_H#define ENTITY_Hclass BaseGameEntity{private:    //every entity must have a unique identifying number    int          m_ID;    //this is the next valid ID. Each time a BaseGameEntity is instantiated    //this value is updated    static int  m_iNextValidID;    //this must be called within the constructor to make sure the ID is set    //correctly. It verifies that the value passed to the method is greater    //or equal to the next valid ID, before setting the ID and incrementing    //the next valid ID    void SetID(int val);public:    BaseGameEntity(int id) {        SetID(id);    }    virtual ~BaseGameEntity() {}    //all entities must implement an update function    virtual void  Update() = 0;    int           ID()const { return m_ID; }};#endif
#ifndef MINER_H#define MINER_H#include 
#include "BaseGameEntity.h"#include "Locations.h"#include "MinerOwnedStates.h"#include "StateMachine.h"//the amount of gold a miner must have before he feels comfortableconst int ComfortLevel = 5;//the amount of nuggets a miner can carryconst int MaxNuggets = 3;//above this value a miner is thirstyconst int ThirstLevel = 5;//above this value a miner is sleepyconst int TirednessThreshold = 5;class Miner : public BaseGameEntity{private: //an instance of the state machine class StateMachine
* m_pStateMachine; location_type m_Location; //how many nuggets the miner has in his pockets int m_iGoldCarried; int m_iMoneyInBank; //the higher the value, the thirstier the miner int m_iThirst; //the higher the value, the more tired the miner int m_iFatigue;public: Miner(int id) :BaseGameEntity(id), m_Location(shack), m_iGoldCarried(0), m_iMoneyInBank(0), m_iThirst(0), m_iFatigue(0) { m_pStateMachine = new StateMachine
(this); m_pStateMachine->SetCurrentState(GoHomeAndSleepTilRested::Instance()); } ~Miner() { delete m_pStateMachine; } //this must be implemented void Update(); StateMachine
* GetFSM()const { return m_pStateMachine; } location_type Location()const { return m_Location; } void ChangeLocation(const location_type loc) { m_Location = loc; } int GoldCarried()const { return m_iGoldCarried; } void SetGoldCarried(const int val) { m_iGoldCarried = val; } void AddToGoldCarried(const int val); bool PocketsFull()const { return m_iGoldCarried >= MaxNuggets; } bool Fatigued()const; void DecreaseFatigue() { m_iFatigue -= 1; } void IncreaseFatigue() { m_iFatigue += 1; } int Wealth()const { return m_iMoneyInBank; } void SetWealth(const int val) { m_iMoneyInBank = val; } void AddToWealth(const int val); bool Thirsty()const; void BuyAndDrinkAWhiskey() { m_iThirst = 0; m_iMoneyInBank -= 2; }};#endif
#ifndef MINERSWIFE_H#define MINERSWIFE_H#include "BaseGameEntity.h"#include "StateMachine.h"#include "Locations.h"#include "MinersWifeOwnedStates.h"class MinersWife : public BaseGameEntity {private:    // an instance of the state machine class    StateMachine
* m_pStateMachine; location_type m_Location;public: MinersWife(int id) : BaseGameEntity(id), m_Location(shack) { m_pStateMachine = new StateMachine
(this); m_pStateMachine->SetCurrentState(DoHouseWork::Instance()); m_pStateMachine->SetGlobalState(WifesGlobalState::Instance()); } ~MinersWife() { delete m_pStateMachine; } void Update(); StateMachine
* GetFSM() const { return m_pStateMachine; } location_type Location() const { return m_Location; } void ChangeLocation(const location_type loc) { m_Location = loc; }};#endif
#ifndef STATE_H#define STATE_Htemplate 
class State {public: virtual ~State() {} virtual void Enter(entity_type *) = 0; virtual void Execute(entity_type *) = 0; virtual void Exit(entity_type *) = 0;};#endif
#ifndef MINER_OWNED_STATES_H#define MINER_OWNED_STATES_H#include "State.h"class Miner;class EnterMineAndDigForNugget : public State
{private: EnterMineAndDigForNugget() {} EnterMineAndDigForNugget(const EnterMineAndDigForNugget&); EnterMineAndDigForNugget& operator=(const EnterMineAndDigForNugget&);public: static EnterMineAndDigForNugget* Instance(); virtual void Enter(Miner* miner); virtual void Execute(Miner* miner); virtual void Exit(Miner* miner);};class VisitBankAndDepositGold : public State
{private: VisitBankAndDepositGold() {} VisitBankAndDepositGold(const VisitBankAndDepositGold&); VisitBankAndDepositGold& operator=(const VisitBankAndDepositGold&);public: static VisitBankAndDepositGold* Instance(); virtual void Enter(Miner* miner); virtual void Execute(Miner* miner); virtual void Exit(Miner* miner);};class GoHomeAndSleepTilRested : public State
{private: GoHomeAndSleepTilRested() {} GoHomeAndSleepTilRested(const GoHomeAndSleepTilRested&); GoHomeAndSleepTilRested& operator=(const GoHomeAndSleepTilRested&);public: static GoHomeAndSleepTilRested* Instance(); virtual void Enter(Miner* miner); virtual void Execute(Miner* miner); virtual void Exit(Miner* miner);};class QuenchThirst : public State
{private: QuenchThirst() {} QuenchThirst(const QuenchThirst&); QuenchThirst& operator=(const QuenchThirst&);public: static QuenchThirst* Instance(); virtual void Enter(Miner* miner); virtual void Execute(Miner* miner); virtual void Exit(Miner* miner);};#endif
#ifndef MINERSWIFE_OWNED_STATES_H#define MINERSWIFE_OWNED_STATES_H#include "State.h"class MinersWife;class WifesGlobalState : public State
{private: WifesGlobalState() {} WifesGlobalState(const WifesGlobalState&); WifesGlobalState& operator=(const WifesGlobalState&);public: static WifesGlobalState* Instance(); virtual void Enter(MinersWife* wife) {} virtual void Execute(MinersWife* wife); virtual void Exit(MinersWife* wife) {}};class DoHouseWork : public State
{private: DoHouseWork() {} DoHouseWork(const DoHouseWork&); DoHouseWork& operator=(const DoHouseWork&);public: static DoHouseWork* Instance(); virtual void Enter(MinersWife* wife); virtual void Execute(MinersWife* wife); virtual void Exit(MinersWife* wife);};class VisitBathroom : public State
{private: VisitBathroom() {} VisitBathroom(const VisitBathroom&); VisitBathroom& operator=(const VisitBathroom&);public: static VisitBathroom* Instance(); virtual void Enter(MinersWife* wife); virtual void Execute(MinersWife* wife); virtual void Exit(MinersWife* wife);};#endif
#ifndef STATEMACHINE_H#define STATEMACHINE_H#include 
#include "State.h"template
class StateMachine {private: entity_type * m_pOwner; State
* m_pCurrentState; State
* m_pPreviousState; State
* m_pGlobalState;public: StateMachine(entity_type * owner) : m_pOwner(owner), m_pCurrentState(NULL), m_pPreviousState(NULL), m_pGlobalState(NULL) {} virtual ~StateMachine() {} // use these methods to initialize the FSM void SetCurrentState(State
* s) { m_pCurrentState = s; } void SetGlobalState(State
* s) { m_pGlobalState = s; } void SetPreviousState(State
* s) { m_pPreviousState = s; } void Update() const { // if a global state exists, call its execute method, else do nothing if (m_pGlobalState) { m_pGlobalState->Execute(m_pOwner); } // same for the current state if (m_pCurrentState) { m_pCurrentState->Execute(m_pOwner); } } void ChangeState(State
* pNewState) { assert(pNewState && "
: trying to change NULL state"); // keep a record of the previous state m_pPreviousState = m_pCurrentState; m_pCurrentState->Exit(m_pOwner); m_pCurrentState = pNewState; m_pCurrentState->Enter(m_pOwner); } // change state back to the previous state void RevertToPreviousState() { ChangeState(m_pPreviousState); } // returns true if the current state's type is equal to the type of the class passed as a parameter bool IsInState(const State
& st) const { std::cout << typeid(*m_pCurrentState); return typeid(*m_pCurrentState) == typeid(st); } State
* CurrentState() const { return m_pCurrentState; } State
* GlobalState() const { return m_pGlobalState; } State
* PreviousState() const { return m_pPreviousState; }};#endif
#ifndef CONSOLE_UTILS_H#define CONSOLE_UTILS_H#include 
inline void SetTextColor(WORD colors) { HANDLE hConsole = GetStdHandle(STD_OUTPUT_HANDLE); SetConsoleTextAttribute(hConsole, colors);}inline void PressAnyKeyToContinue() { SetTextColor(FOREGROUND_BLUE | FOREGROUND_RED | FOREGROUND_GREEN); std::cout << "\n\nPress any key to continue" << std::endl; while (!_kbhit()) { } return;}#endif
#ifndef UTILS_H#define UTILS_Hinline double RandFloat() {    return ((rand()) / (RAND_MAX + 1.0));}inline int RandInt(int x, int y) {    assert(y >= x && "
: y is less than x"); return rand() % (y - x + 1) + x;}#endif
#include "BaseGameEntity.h"#include 
int BaseGameEntity::m_iNextValidID = 0;void BaseGameEntity::SetID(int val){ //make sure the val is equal to or greater than the next available ID assert((val >= m_iNextValidID) && "
: invalid ID"); m_ID = val; m_iNextValidID = m_ID + 1;}
#include "Miner.h"#include "ConsoleUtils.h"//-----------------------------------------------------------------------------void Miner::Update(){    SetTextColor(FOREGROUND_RED | FOREGROUND_INTENSITY);    m_iThirst += 1;    m_pStateMachine->Update();}//-----------------------------------------------------------------------------void Miner::AddToGoldCarried(const int val){    m_iGoldCarried += val;    if (m_iGoldCarried < 0) m_iGoldCarried = 0;}//-----------------------------------------------------------------------------void Miner::AddToWealth(const int val){    m_iMoneyInBank += val;    if (m_iMoneyInBank < 0) m_iMoneyInBank = 0;}//-----------------------------------------------------------------------------bool Miner::Thirsty()const{    if (m_iThirst >= ThirstLevel) { return true; }    return false;}//-----------------------------------------------------------------------------bool Miner::Fatigued()const{    if (m_iFatigue > TirednessThreshold)    {        return true;    }    return false;}
#include "MinerOwnedStates.h"#include "State.h"#include "Miner.h"#include "Locations.h"#include "EntityNames.h"#include 
using std::cout;#ifdef TEXTOUTPUT#include
extern std::ofstream os;#define cout os#endif//--------------------------------------methods for EnterMineAndDigForNuggetEnterMineAndDigForNugget* EnterMineAndDigForNugget::Instance(){ static EnterMineAndDigForNugget instance; return &instance;}void EnterMineAndDigForNugget::Enter(Miner* pMiner){ //if the miner is not already located at the goldmine, he must //change location to the gold mine if (pMiner->Location() != goldmine) { cout << "\n" << GetNameOfEntity(pMiner->ID()) << ": " << "Walkin' to the goldmine"; pMiner->ChangeLocation(goldmine); }}void EnterMineAndDigForNugget::Execute(Miner* pMiner){ //if the miner is at the goldmine he digs for gold until he //is carrying in excess of MaxNuggets. If he gets thirsty during //his digging he packs up work for a while and changes state to //gp to the saloon for a whiskey. pMiner->AddToGoldCarried(1); pMiner->IncreaseFatigue(); cout << "\n" << GetNameOfEntity(pMiner->ID()) << ": " << "Pickin' up a nugget"; //if enough gold mined, go and put it in the bank if (pMiner->PocketsFull()) { pMiner->GetFSM()->ChangeState(VisitBankAndDepositGold::Instance()); } if (pMiner->Thirsty()) { pMiner->GetFSM()->ChangeState(QuenchThirst::Instance()); }}void EnterMineAndDigForNugget::Exit(Miner* pMiner){ cout << "\n" << GetNameOfEntity(pMiner->ID()) << ": " << "Ah'm leavin' the goldmine with mah pockets full o' sweet gold";}//----------------------------------------methods for VisitBankAndDepositGoldVisitBankAndDepositGold* VisitBankAndDepositGold::Instance(){ static VisitBankAndDepositGold instance; return &instance;}void VisitBankAndDepositGold::Enter(Miner* pMiner){ //on entry the miner makes sure he is located at the bank if (pMiner->Location() != bank) { cout << "\n" << GetNameOfEntity(pMiner->ID()) << ": " << "Goin' to the bank. Yes siree"; pMiner->ChangeLocation(bank); }}void VisitBankAndDepositGold::Execute(Miner* pMiner){ //deposit the gold pMiner->AddToWealth(pMiner->GoldCarried()); pMiner->SetGoldCarried(0); cout << "\n" << GetNameOfEntity(pMiner->ID()) << ": " << "Depositing gold. Total savings now: " << pMiner->Wealth(); //wealthy enough to have a well earned rest? if (pMiner->Wealth() >= ComfortLevel) { cout << "\n" << GetNameOfEntity(pMiner->ID()) << ": " << "WooHoo! Rich enough for now. Back home to mah li'lle lady"; pMiner->GetFSM()->ChangeState(GoHomeAndSleepTilRested::Instance()); } //otherwise get more gold else { pMiner->GetFSM()->ChangeState(EnterMineAndDigForNugget::Instance()); }}void VisitBankAndDepositGold::Exit(Miner* pMiner){ cout << "\n" << GetNameOfEntity(pMiner->ID()) << ": " << "Leavin' the bank";}//----------------------------------------methods for GoHomeAndSleepTilRestedGoHomeAndSleepTilRested* GoHomeAndSleepTilRested::Instance(){ static GoHomeAndSleepTilRested instance; return &instance;}void GoHomeAndSleepTilRested::Enter(Miner* pMiner){ if (pMiner->Location() != shack) { cout << "\n" << GetNameOfEntity(pMiner->ID()) << ": " << "Walkin' home"; pMiner->ChangeLocation(shack); }}void GoHomeAndSleepTilRested::Execute(Miner* pMiner){ //if miner is not fatigued start to dig for nuggets again. if (!pMiner->Fatigued()) { cout << "\n" << GetNameOfEntity(pMiner->ID()) << ": " << "What a God darn fantastic nap! Time to find more gold"; pMiner->GetFSM()->ChangeState(EnterMineAndDigForNugget::Instance()); } else { //sleep pMiner->DecreaseFatigue(); cout << "\n" << GetNameOfEntity(pMiner->ID()) << ": " << "ZZZZ... "; }}void GoHomeAndSleepTilRested::Exit(Miner* pMiner){ cout << "\n" << GetNameOfEntity(pMiner->ID()) << ": " << "Leaving the house";}//------------------------------------------------methods for QuenchThirstQuenchThirst* QuenchThirst::Instance(){ static QuenchThirst instance; return &instance;}void QuenchThirst::Enter(Miner* pMiner){ if (pMiner->Location() != saloon) { pMiner->ChangeLocation(saloon); cout << "\n" << GetNameOfEntity(pMiner->ID()) << ": " << "Boy, ah sure is thusty! Walking to the saloon"; }}void QuenchThirst::Execute(Miner* pMiner){ if (pMiner->Thirsty()) { pMiner->BuyAndDrinkAWhiskey(); cout << "\n" << GetNameOfEntity(pMiner->ID()) << ": " << "That's mighty fine sippin' liquer"; pMiner->GetFSM()->ChangeState(EnterMineAndDigForNugget::Instance()); } else { cout << "\nERROR!\nERROR!\nERROR!"; }}void QuenchThirst::Exit(Miner* pMiner){ cout << "\n" << GetNameOfEntity(pMiner->ID()) << ": " << "Leaving the saloon, feelin' good";}
#include "MinersWife.h"#include "ConsoleUtils.h"void MinersWife::Update() {    SetTextColor(FOREGROUND_GREEN | FOREGROUND_INTENSITY);    m_pStateMachine->Update();}
#include "MinersWife.h"#include "Locations.h"#include "EntityNames.h"#include "Utils.h"WifesGlobalState * WifesGlobalState::Instance() {    static WifesGlobalState instance;    return &instance;}void WifesGlobalState::Execute(MinersWife * wife) {    // 1 in 10 chance of needing the bathroom    if (RandFloat() < 0.1) {        wife->GetFSM()->ChangeState(VisitBathroom::Instance());    }}DoHouseWork * DoHouseWork::Instance() {    static DoHouseWork instance;    return &instance;}void DoHouseWork::Enter(MinersWife * wife) {}void DoHouseWork::Execute(MinersWife * wife) {    switch (RandInt(0, 2))    {    case 0:        std::cout << "\n" << GetNameOfEntity(wife->ID()) << ": Moppin' the floor";        break;    case 1:        std::cout << "\n" << GetNameOfEntity(wife->ID()) << ": Washin' the dishes";        break;    case 2:        std::cout << "\n" << GetNameOfEntity(wife->ID()) << ": Markin' the bed";        break;    }}void DoHouseWork::Exit(MinersWife * wife) {}VisitBathroom * VisitBathroom::Instance() {    static VisitBathroom instance;    return &instance;}void VisitBathroom::Enter(MinersWife * wife) {    std::cout << "\n" << GetNameOfEntity(wife->ID()) << ": Walkin' to the can. Need to powda mah pretty li'lle nose";}void VisitBathroom::Execute(MinersWife * wife) {    std::cout << "\n" << GetNameOfEntity(wife->ID()) << ": Ahhhhhh! Sweet relief!";    wife->GetFSM()->RevertToPreviousState();}void VisitBathroom::Exit(MinersWife * wife) {    std::cout << "\n" << GetNameOfEntity(wife->ID()) << ": Leavin' the Jon";}
#include "Miner.h"#include "MinersWife.h"#include "EntityNames.h"#include "ConsoleUtils.h"int main() { Miner Bob(ent_Miner_Bob); MinersWife Elsa(ent_Elsa); for (int i = 0; i < 20; i++) { Bob.Update(); Elsa.Update(); Sleep(2000); } PressAnyKeyToContinue();}

WestWorldWithMessaing 代码

#ifndef ENTITY_H#define ENTITY_H#include 
#include "Telegram.h"class BaseGameEntity {private: int m_ID; static int m_iNextValidID; void SetID(int val);public: BaseGameEntity(int id) { SetID(id); } virtual ~BaseGameEntity() {} virtual void Update() = 0; virtual bool HandleMessage(const Telegram & msg) = 0; int ID() const { return m_ID; }};#endif
#ifndef CONSOLE_UTILS_H#define CONSOLE_UTILS_H#include 
inline void SetTextColor(WORD colors) { HANDLE hConsole = GetStdHandle(STD_OUTPUT_HANDLE); SetConsoleTextAttribute(hConsole, colors);}inline void PressAnyKeyToContinue() { SetTextColor(FOREGROUND_BLUE | FOREGROUND_RED | FOREGROUND_GREEN); std::cout << "\n\nPress any key to continue" << std::endl; while (!_kbhit()) { } return;}#endif
#ifndef CRUDETIMER_H#define CRUDETIMER_H#pragma comment(lib, "winmm.lib")#include 
#define Clock CrudeTimer::Instance()class CrudeTimer {private: // set to the time (in seconds) when class is instantiated double m_dStartTime; // set the start time CrudeTimer() { m_dStartTime = timeGetTime() * 0.001; } CrudeTimer(const CrudeTimer &); CrudeTimer & operator=(const CrudeTimer &);public: static CrudeTimer * Instance(); // returns how much time has elapsed since the timer was started double GetCurrentTime() { return timeGetTime() * 0.001 - m_dStartTime; }};#endif
#ifndef ENTITYMANAGER_H#define ENTITYMANAGER_H#include #include 
class BaseGameEntity;#define EntityMgr EntityManager::Instance()class EntityManager {private: EntityManager() {} EntityManager(const EntityManager &); EntityManager& operator=(const EntityManager &); typedef std::map
EntityMap; EntityMap m_EntityMap;public: static EntityManager * Instance(); void RegisterEntity(BaseGameEntity * NewEntity); void RemoveEntity(BaseGameEntity * pEntity); BaseGameEntity * GetEntityFromID(int id) const;};#endif
#ifndef NAMES_H#define NAMES_H#include 
enum { ent_Miner_Bob, ent_Elsa};inline std::string GetNameOfEntity(int n) { switch (n) { case ent_Miner_Bob: return "ent_Miner_Bob"; case ent_Elsa: return "Elsa"; default: return "UNKOWN"; }}#endif
#ifndef LOCATIONS_H#define LOCATIONS_Henum location_type {    shack,    goldmine,    bank,    saloon};#endif
#include "ConsoleUtils.h"#include "Telegram.h"class BaseGameEntity;const double SEND_MSG_IMMEDIATELY = 0.0f;const int NO_ADDITIONAL_INFO = 0;#define Dispatch MessageDispatcher::Instance()class MessageDispatcher {private: // a std::set is used as the container for the delayed messages // because of the benefit of automatic sorting and avoidance // of duplicates. Messages are sorted by their dispatch time. std::set
PriorityQ; // this method is utilized by DispatchMessage or DispatchDelayedMessages. // This method calls the message handling memeber function of the receiving // entity, pReceiver, with the newly created telegram void Discharge(BaseGameEntity * pReceiver, const Telegram & msg); MessageDispatcher() {} MessageDispatcher(const MessageDispatcher &); MessageDispatcher& operator=(const MessageDispatcher &);public: static MessageDispatcher * Instance(); void DispatchMessage(double delay, int sender, int receiver, int msg, void * ExtraInfo); // send out any delayed message. This method is called each time through // the main game loop. void DispatchDelayedMessages();};#endif
#ifndef MESSAGE_TYPES#define MESSAGE_TYPES#include 
enum message_type { Msg_HiHoneyImHome, Msg_StewReady};inline std::string MsgToStr(int msg) { switch (msg) { case Msg_HiHoneyImHome: return "HiHoneyImHome"; case Msg_StewReady: return "StewReady"; default: return "Not recognized"; }}#endif
#ifndef MINER_H#define MINER_H#include 
#include "BaseGameEntity.h"#include "Locations.h"#include "ConsoleUtils.h"#include "MinerOwnedStates.h"#include "StateMachine.h"//template
class State; //pre-fixed with "template
" for vs8 compatibilitystruct Telegram;//the amount of gold a miner must have before he feels he can go homeconst int ComfortLevel = 5;//the amount of nuggets a miner can carryconst int MaxNuggets = 3;//above this value a miner is thirstyconst int ThirstLevel = 5;//above this value a miner is sleepyconst int TirednessThreshold = 5;class Miner : public BaseGameEntity{private: //an instance of the state machine class StateMachine
* m_pStateMachine; location_type m_Location; //how many nuggets the miner has in his pockets int m_iGoldCarried; int m_iMoneyInBank; //the higher the value, the thirstier the miner int m_iThirst; //the higher the value, the more tired the miner int m_iFatigue;public: Miner(int id) :m_Location(shack), m_iGoldCarried(0), m_iMoneyInBank(0), m_iThirst(0), m_iFatigue(0), BaseGameEntity(id) { //set up state machine m_pStateMachine = new StateMachine
(this); m_pStateMachine->SetCurrentState(GoHomeAndSleepTilRested::Instance()); /* NOTE, A GLOBAL STATE HAS NOT BEEN IMPLEMENTED FOR THE MINER */ } ~Miner() { delete m_pStateMachine; } //this must be implemented void Update(); //so must this virtual bool HandleMessage(const Telegram& msg); StateMachine
* GetFSM()const { return m_pStateMachine; } //-------------------------------------------------------------accessors location_type Location()const { return m_Location; } void ChangeLocation(location_type loc) { m_Location = loc; } int GoldCarried()const { return m_iGoldCarried; } void SetGoldCarried(int val) { m_iGoldCarried = val; } void AddToGoldCarried(int val); bool PocketsFull()const { return m_iGoldCarried >= MaxNuggets; } bool Fatigued()const; void DecreaseFatigue() { m_iFatigue -= 1; } void IncreaseFatigue() { m_iFatigue += 1; } int Wealth()const { return m_iMoneyInBank; } void SetWealth(int val) { m_iMoneyInBank = val; } void AddToWealth(int val); bool Thirsty()const; void BuyAndDrinkAWhiskey() { m_iThirst = 0; m_iMoneyInBank -= 2; }};#endif
#ifndef MINER_OWNED_STATES_H#define MINER_OWNED_STATES_H#include "State.h"class Miner;struct Telegram;class EnterMineAndDigForNugget : public State
{private: EnterMineAndDigForNugget() {} EnterMineAndDigForNugget(const EnterMineAndDigForNugget&); EnterMineAndDigForNugget& operator=(const EnterMineAndDigForNugget&);public: static EnterMineAndDigForNugget* Instance(); virtual void Enter(Miner* miner); virtual void Execute(Miner* miner); virtual void Exit(Miner* miner); virtual bool OnMessage(Miner* agent, const Telegram& msg);};class VisitBankAndDepositGold : public State
{private: VisitBankAndDepositGold() {} VisitBankAndDepositGold(const VisitBankAndDepositGold&); VisitBankAndDepositGold& operator=(const VisitBankAndDepositGold&);public: static VisitBankAndDepositGold* Instance(); virtual void Enter(Miner* miner); virtual void Execute(Miner* miner); virtual void Exit(Miner* miner); virtual bool OnMessage(Miner* agent, const Telegram& msg);};class GoHomeAndSleepTilRested : public State
{private: GoHomeAndSleepTilRested() {} GoHomeAndSleepTilRested(const GoHomeAndSleepTilRested&); GoHomeAndSleepTilRested& operator=(const GoHomeAndSleepTilRested&);public: static GoHomeAndSleepTilRested* Instance(); virtual void Enter(Miner* miner); virtual void Execute(Miner* miner); virtual void Exit(Miner* miner); virtual bool OnMessage(Miner* agent, const Telegram& msg);};class QuenchThirst : public State
{private: QuenchThirst() {} QuenchThirst(const QuenchThirst&); QuenchThirst& operator=(const QuenchThirst&);public: static QuenchThirst* Instance(); virtual void Enter(Miner* miner); virtual void Execute(Miner* miner); virtual void Exit(Miner* miner); virtual bool OnMessage(Miner* agent, const Telegram& msg);};//------------------------------------------------------------------------//// this is implemented as a state blip. The miner eats the stew, gives// Elsa some compliments and then returns to his previous state//------------------------------------------------------------------------class EatStew : public State
{private: EatStew() {} EatStew(const EatStew&); EatStew& operator=(const EatStew&);public: static EatStew* Instance(); virtual void Enter(Miner* miner); virtual void Execute(Miner* miner); virtual void Exit(Miner* miner); virtual bool OnMessage(Miner* agent, const Telegram& msg);};#endif
#ifndef MINERSWIFE_H#define MINERSWIFE_H#include 
#include "State.h"#include "BaseGameEntity.h"#include "Locations.h"#include "MinersWifeOwnedStates.h"#include "ConsoleUtils.h"#include "Miner.h"#include "StateMachine.h"#include "Utils.h"class MinersWife : public BaseGameEntity{private: StateMachine
* m_pStateMachine; location_type m_Location; bool m_bCooking;public: MinersWife(int id) :m_Location(shack), m_bCooking(false), BaseGameEntity(id) { m_pStateMachine = new StateMachine
(this); m_pStateMachine->SetCurrentState(DoHouseWork::Instance()); m_pStateMachine->SetGlobalState(WifesGlobalState::Instance()); } ~MinersWife() { delete m_pStateMachine; } void Update(); virtual bool HandleMessage(const Telegram& msg); StateMachine
* GetFSM()const { return m_pStateMachine; } location_type Location()const { return m_Location; } void ChangeLocation(location_type loc) { m_Location = loc; } bool Cooking()const { return m_bCooking; } void SetCooking(bool val) { m_bCooking = val; }};#endif
#ifndef MINERSWIFE_OWNED_STATES_H#define MINERSWIFE_OWNED_STATES_H#include "State.h"class MinersWife;class WifesGlobalState : public State
{private: WifesGlobalState() {} WifesGlobalState(const WifesGlobalState&); WifesGlobalState& operator=(const WifesGlobalState&);public: static WifesGlobalState* Instance(); virtual void Enter(MinersWife* wife) {} virtual void Execute(MinersWife* wife); virtual void Exit(MinersWife* wife) {} virtual bool OnMessage(MinersWife* wife, const Telegram& msg);};class DoHouseWork : public State
{private: DoHouseWork() {} DoHouseWork(const DoHouseWork&); DoHouseWork& operator=(const DoHouseWork&);public: static DoHouseWork* Instance(); virtual void Enter(MinersWife* wife); virtual void Execute(MinersWife* wife); virtual void Exit(MinersWife* wife); virtual bool OnMessage(MinersWife* wife, const Telegram& msg);};class VisitBathroom : public State
{private: VisitBathroom() {} VisitBathroom(const VisitBathroom&); VisitBathroom& operator=(const VisitBathroom&);public: static VisitBathroom* Instance(); virtual void Enter(MinersWife* wife); virtual void Execute(MinersWife* wife); virtual void Exit(MinersWife* wife); virtual bool OnMessage(MinersWife* wife, const Telegram& msg);};class CookStew : public State
{private: CookStew() {} CookStew(const CookStew&); CookStew& operator=(const CookStew&);public: static CookStew* Instance(); virtual void Enter(MinersWife* wife); virtual void Execute(MinersWife* wife); virtual void Exit(MinersWife* wife); virtual bool OnMessage(MinersWife* wife, const Telegram& msg);};#endif
#ifndef STATE_H#define STATE_Hstruct Telegram;template 
class State{public: virtual ~State() {} virtual void Enter(entity_type*) = 0; virtual void Execute(entity_type*) = 0; virtual void Exit(entity_type*) = 0; //this executes if the agent receives a message from the //message dispatcher virtual bool OnMessage(entity_type *, const Telegram &) = 0;};#endif
#ifndef STATEMACHINE_H#define STATEMACHINE_H#include 
#include "State.h"#include "Telegram.h"template
class StateMachine{private: entity_type* m_pOwner; State
* m_pCurrentState; State
* m_pPreviousState; //this is called every time the FSM is updated State
* m_pGlobalState;public: StateMachine(entity_type* owner) :m_pOwner(owner), m_pCurrentState(NULL), m_pPreviousState(NULL), m_pGlobalState(NULL) {} virtual ~StateMachine() {} //use these methods to initialize the FSM void SetCurrentState(State
* s) { m_pCurrentState = s; } void SetGlobalState(State
* s) { m_pGlobalState = s; } void SetPreviousState(State
* s) { m_pPreviousState = s; } void Update()const { //if a global state exists, call its execute method, else do nothing if (m_pGlobalState) m_pGlobalState->Execute(m_pOwner); //same for the current state if (m_pCurrentState) m_pCurrentState->Execute(m_pOwner); } bool HandleMessage(const Telegram& msg)const { //first see if the current state is valid and that it can handle //the message if (m_pCurrentState && m_pCurrentState->OnMessage(m_pOwner, msg)) { return true; } //if not, and if a global state has been implemented, send //the message to the global state if (m_pGlobalState && m_pGlobalState->OnMessage(m_pOwner, msg)) { return true; } return false; } //change to a new state void ChangeState(State
* pNewState) { assert(pNewState && "
:trying to assign null state to current"); //keep a record of the previous state m_pPreviousState = m_pCurrentState; //call the exit method of the existing state m_pCurrentState->Exit(m_pOwner); //change state to the new state m_pCurrentState = pNewState; //call the entry method of the new state m_pCurrentState->Enter(m_pOwner); } void RevertToPreviousState() { ChangeState(m_pPreviousState); } //returns true if the current state's type is equal to the type of the //class passed as a parameter. bool isInState(const State
& st)const { if (typeid(*m_pCurrentState) == typeid(st)) return true; return false; } State
* CurrentState() const { return m_pCurrentState; } State
* GlobalState() const { return m_pGlobalState; } State
* PreviousState() const { return m_pPreviousState; } //only ever used during debugging to grab the name of the current state std::string GetNameOfCurrentState() const { std::string s(typeid(*m_pCurrentState).name()); //remove the 'class ' part from the front of the string if (s.size() > 5) { s.erase(0, 6); } return s; }};#endif
#ifndef TELEGRAM_H#define TELEGRAM_Hstruct Telegram {    // the entity that sent this telegram    int Sender;    // the entity that is to receive this telegram    int Receiver;    // the message itself, These are all enumerated in the file "MessageTypes.h"    int Msg;    // messages can be dispatched immediately or delayed for a specified amount    // of time. If a delay is necessary this field is stamped with the time    // the message should be dispatched    double DispatchTime;    // any addtional information that may accompany the message    void * ExtraInfo;    Telegram() : DispatchTime(-1),        Sender(-1),        Receiver(-1),        Msg(-1) {}    Telegram(double time, int sender, int receiver, int msg, void * info = NULL) : DispatchTime(time),        Sender(sender),        Receiver(receiver),        Msg(msg),        ExtraInfo(info) {}};//these telegrams will be stored in a priority queue. Therefore the >//operator needs to be overloaded so that the PQ can sort the telegrams//by time priority. Note how the times must be smaller than//SmallestDelay apart before two Telegrams are considered unique.const double SmallestDelay = 0.25;inline bool operator==(const Telegram& t1, const Telegram& t2){    return (fabs(t1.DispatchTime - t2.DispatchTime) < SmallestDelay) &&        (t1.Sender == t2.Sender) &&        (t1.Receiver == t2.Receiver) &&        (t1.Msg == t2.Msg);}inline bool operator<(const Telegram& t1, const Telegram& t2){    if (t1 == t2)    {        return false;    }    else    {        return  (t1.DispatchTime < t2.DispatchTime);    }}inline std::ostream& operator<<(std::ostream& os, const Telegram& t){    os << "time: " << t.DispatchTime << "  Sender: " << t.Sender        << "   Receiver: " << t.Receiver << "   Msg: " << t.Msg;    return os;}//handy helper function for dereferencing the ExtraInfo field of the Telegram //to the required type.template 
inline T DereferenceToType(void* p){ return *(T*)(p);}#endif
#ifndef UTILS_H#define UTILS_H#include 
inline double RandFloat() { return ((rand()) / (RAND_MAX + 1.0));}inline int RandInt(int x, int y) { assert(y >= x && "
: y is less than x"); return rand() % (y - x + 1) + x;}#endif
#include "BaseGameEntity.h"#include 
int BaseGameEntity::m_iNextValidID = 0;void BaseGameEntity::SetID(int val) { assert((val >= m_iNextValidID) && "
#include "CrudeTimer.h"CrudeTimer * CrudeTimer::Instance() {    static CrudeTimer instance;    return &instance;}
#include "EntityManager.h"#include "BaseGameEntity.h"EntityManager * EntityManager::Instance() {    static EntityManager instance;    return &instance;}void EntityManager::RegisterEntity(BaseGameEntity * NewEntity) {    m_EntityMap.insert(std::make_pair(NewEntity->ID(), NewEntity));}void EntityManager::RemoveEntity(BaseGameEntity * pEntity) {    m_EntityMap.erase(m_EntityMap.find(pEntity->ID()));}BaseGameEntity * EntityManager::GetEntityFromID(int id) const {    // find the entity    EntityMap::const_iterator ent = m_EntityMap.find(id);    // assert that the entity is a member of the map    assert((ent != m_EntityMap.end()) && "
: invalid ID"); return ent->second;}
#include "MessageDispatcher.h"#include "BaseGameEntity.h"#include "CrudeTimer.h"#include "EntityManager.h"#include "Locations.h"#include "MessageTypes.h"#include "EntityNames.h"//------------------------------ Instance -------------------------------------MessageDispatcher* MessageDispatcher::Instance(){    static MessageDispatcher instance;    return &instance;}//----------------------------- Dispatch ---------------------------------//  //  see description in header//------------------------------------------------------------------------void MessageDispatcher::Discharge(BaseGameEntity* pReceiver,    const Telegram& telegram){    if (!pReceiver->HandleMessage(telegram))    {        //telegram could not be handled        std::cout << "Message not handled";    }}//---------------------------- DispatchMessage ---------------------------////  given a message, a receiver, a sender and any time delay , this function//  routes the message to the correct agent (if no delay) or stores//  in the message queue to be dispatched at the correct time//------------------------------------------------------------------------void MessageDispatcher::DispatchMessage(double  delay,    int    sender,    int    receiver,    int    msg,    void*  ExtraInfo){    SetTextColor(BACKGROUND_RED | FOREGROUND_RED | FOREGROUND_GREEN | FOREGROUND_BLUE);    //get pointers to the sender and receiver    BaseGameEntity* pSender = EntityMgr->GetEntityFromID(sender);    BaseGameEntity* pReceiver = EntityMgr->GetEntityFromID(receiver);    //make sure the receiver is valid    if (pReceiver == NULL)    {        std::cout << "\nWarning! No Receiver with ID of " << receiver << " found";        return;    }    //create the telegram    Telegram telegram(0, sender, receiver, msg, ExtraInfo);    //if there is no delay, route telegram immediately                           if (delay <= 0.0f)    {        std::cout << "\nInstant telegram dispatched at time: " << Clock->GetCurrentTime()            << " by " << GetNameOfEntity(pSender->ID()) << " for " << GetNameOfEntity(pReceiver->ID())            << ". Msg is " << MsgToStr(msg);        //send the telegram to the recipient        Discharge(pReceiver, telegram);    }    //else calculate the time when the telegram should be dispatched    else    {        double CurrentTime = Clock->GetCurrentTime();        telegram.DispatchTime = CurrentTime + delay;        //and put it in the queue        PriorityQ.insert(telegram);        std::cout << "\nDelayed telegram from " << GetNameOfEntity(pSender->ID()) << " recorded at time "            << Clock->GetCurrentTime() << " for " << GetNameOfEntity(pReceiver->ID())            << ". Msg is " << MsgToStr(msg);    }}//---------------------- DispatchDelayedMessages -------------------------////  This function dispatches any telegrams with a timestamp that has//  expired. Any dispatched telegrams are removed from the queue//------------------------------------------------------------------------void MessageDispatcher::DispatchDelayedMessages(){    SetTextColor(BACKGROUND_RED | FOREGROUND_RED | FOREGROUND_GREEN | FOREGROUND_BLUE);    //get current time    double CurrentTime = Clock->GetCurrentTime();    //now peek at the queue to see if any telegrams need dispatching.    //remove all telegrams from the front of the queue that have gone    //past their sell by date    while (!PriorityQ.empty() &&        (PriorityQ.begin()->DispatchTime < CurrentTime) &&        (PriorityQ.begin()->DispatchTime > 0))    {        //read the telegram from the front of the queue        const Telegram& telegram = *PriorityQ.begin();        //find the recipient        BaseGameEntity* pReceiver = EntityMgr->GetEntityFromID(telegram.Receiver);        std::cout << "\nQueued telegram ready for dispatch: Sent to "            << GetNameOfEntity(pReceiver->ID()) << ". Msg is " << MsgToStr(telegram.Msg);        //send the telegram to the recipient        Discharge(pReceiver, telegram);        //remove it from the queue        PriorityQ.erase(PriorityQ.begin());    }}
#include "Miner.h"bool Miner::HandleMessage(const Telegram & msg) {    return m_pStateMachine->HandleMessage(msg);}void Miner::Update() {    SetTextColor(FOREGROUND_RED | FOREGROUND_INTENSITY);    m_iThirst += 1;    m_pStateMachine->Update();}void Miner::AddToGoldCarried(const int val) {    m_iGoldCarried += val;    if (m_iGoldCarried < 0) {        m_iGoldCarried = 0;    }}void Miner::AddToWealth(const int val) {    m_iMoneyInBank += val;    if (m_iMoneyInBank < 0) {        m_iMoneyInBank = 0;    }}bool Miner::Thirsty() const {    if (m_iThirst >= ThirstLevel) {        return true;    }    return false;}bool Miner::Fatigued() const {    if (m_iFatigue > TirednessThreshold) {        return true;    }    return false;}
#include "MinerOwnedStates.h"#include "State.h"#include "Miner.h"#include "Locations.h"#include "Telegram.h"#include "MessageDispatcher.h"#include "MessageTypes.h"#include "CrudeTimer.h"#include "EntityNames.h"#include 
//------------------------------------------------------------------------methods for EnterMineAndDigForNuggetEnterMineAndDigForNugget* EnterMineAndDigForNugget::Instance(){ static EnterMineAndDigForNugget instance; return &instance;}void EnterMineAndDigForNugget::Enter(Miner* pMiner){ if (pMiner->Location() != goldmine) { std::cout << "\n" << GetNameOfEntity(pMiner->ID()) << ": " << "Walkin' to the goldmine"; pMiner->ChangeLocation(goldmine); }}void EnterMineAndDigForNugget::Execute(Miner* pMiner){ pMiner->AddToGoldCarried(1); pMiner->IncreaseFatigue(); std::cout << "\n" << GetNameOfEntity(pMiner->ID()) << ": " << "Pickin' up a nugget"; if (pMiner->PocketsFull()) { pMiner->GetFSM()->ChangeState(VisitBankAndDepositGold::Instance()); } if (pMiner->Thirsty()) { pMiner->GetFSM()->ChangeState(QuenchThirst::Instance()); }}void EnterMineAndDigForNugget::Exit(Miner* pMiner){ std::cout << "\n" << GetNameOfEntity(pMiner->ID()) << ": " << "Ah'm leavin' the goldmine with mah pockets full o' sweet gold";}bool EnterMineAndDigForNugget::OnMessage(Miner* pMiner, const Telegram& msg){ //send msg to global message handler return false;}//------------------------------------------------------------------------methods for VisitBankAndDepositGoldVisitBankAndDepositGold* VisitBankAndDepositGold::Instance(){ static VisitBankAndDepositGold instance; return &instance;}void VisitBankAndDepositGold::Enter(Miner* pMiner){ if (pMiner->Location() != bank) { std::cout << "\n" << GetNameOfEntity(pMiner->ID()) << ": " << "Goin' to the bank. Yes siree"; pMiner->ChangeLocation(bank); }}void VisitBankAndDepositGold::Execute(Miner* pMiner){ pMiner->AddToWealth(pMiner->GoldCarried()); pMiner->SetGoldCarried(0); std::cout << "\n" << GetNameOfEntity(pMiner->ID()) << ": " << "Depositing gold. Total savings now: " << pMiner->Wealth(); if (pMiner->Wealth() >= ComfortLevel) { std::cout << "\n" << GetNameOfEntity(pMiner->ID()) << ": " << "WooHoo! Rich enough for now. Back home to mah li'lle lady"; pMiner->GetFSM()->ChangeState(GoHomeAndSleepTilRested::Instance()); } else { pMiner->GetFSM()->ChangeState(EnterMineAndDigForNugget::Instance()); }}void VisitBankAndDepositGold::Exit(Miner* pMiner){ std::cout << "\n" << GetNameOfEntity(pMiner->ID()) << ": " << "Leavin' the bank";}bool VisitBankAndDepositGold::OnMessage(Miner* pMiner, const Telegram& msg){ //send msg to global message handler return false;}//------------------------------------------------------------------------methods for GoHomeAndSleepTilRestedGoHomeAndSleepTilRested* GoHomeAndSleepTilRested::Instance(){ static GoHomeAndSleepTilRested instance; return &instance;}void GoHomeAndSleepTilRested::Enter(Miner* pMiner){ if (pMiner->Location() != shack) { std::cout << "\n" << GetNameOfEntity(pMiner->ID()) << ": " << "Walkin' home"; pMiner->ChangeLocation(shack); //let the wife know I'm home Dispatch->DispatchMessage(SEND_MSG_IMMEDIATELY, //time delay pMiner->ID(), //ID of sender ent_Elsa, //ID of recipient Msg_HiHoneyImHome, //the message NO_ADDITIONAL_INFO); }}void GoHomeAndSleepTilRested::Execute(Miner* pMiner){ //if miner is not fatigued start to dig for nuggets again. if (!pMiner->Fatigued()) { std::cout << "\n" << GetNameOfEntity(pMiner->ID()) << ": " << "All mah fatigue has drained away. Time to find more gold!"; pMiner->GetFSM()->ChangeState(EnterMineAndDigForNugget::Instance()); } else { //sleep pMiner->DecreaseFatigue(); std::cout << "\n" << GetNameOfEntity(pMiner->ID()) << ": " << "ZZZZ... "; }}void GoHomeAndSleepTilRested::Exit(Miner* pMiner){}bool GoHomeAndSleepTilRested::OnMessage(Miner* pMiner, const Telegram& msg){ SetTextColor(BACKGROUND_RED | FOREGROUND_RED | FOREGROUND_GREEN | FOREGROUND_BLUE); switch (msg.Msg) { case Msg_StewReady: std::cout << "\nMessage handled by " << GetNameOfEntity(pMiner->ID()) << " at time: " << Clock->GetCurrentTime(); SetTextColor(FOREGROUND_RED | FOREGROUND_INTENSITY); std::cout << "\n" << GetNameOfEntity(pMiner->ID()) << ": Okay Hun, ahm a comin'!"; pMiner->GetFSM()->ChangeState(EatStew::Instance()); return true; }//end switch return false; //send message to global message handler}//------------------------------------------------------------------------QuenchThirstQuenchThirst* QuenchThirst::Instance(){ static QuenchThirst instance; return &instance;}void QuenchThirst::Enter(Miner* pMiner){ if (pMiner->Location() != saloon) { pMiner->ChangeLocation(saloon); std::cout << "\n" << GetNameOfEntity(pMiner->ID()) << ": " << "Boy, ah sure is thusty! Walking to the saloon"; }}void QuenchThirst::Execute(Miner* pMiner){ pMiner->BuyAndDrinkAWhiskey(); std::cout << "\n" << GetNameOfEntity(pMiner->ID()) << ": " << "That's mighty fine sippin' liquer"; pMiner->GetFSM()->ChangeState(EnterMineAndDigForNugget::Instance());}void QuenchThirst::Exit(Miner* pMiner){ std::cout << "\n" << GetNameOfEntity(pMiner->ID()) << ": " << "Leaving the saloon, feelin' good";}bool QuenchThirst::OnMessage(Miner* pMiner, const Telegram& msg){ //send msg to global message handler return false;}//------------------------------------------------------------------------EatStewEatStew* EatStew::Instance(){ static EatStew instance; return &instance;}void EatStew::Enter(Miner* pMiner){ std::cout << "\n" << GetNameOfEntity(pMiner->ID()) << ": " << "Smells Reaaal goood Elsa!";}void EatStew::Execute(Miner* pMiner){ std::cout << "\n" << GetNameOfEntity(pMiner->ID()) << ": " << "Tastes real good too!"; pMiner->GetFSM()->RevertToPreviousState();}void EatStew::Exit(Miner* pMiner){ std::cout << "\n" << GetNameOfEntity(pMiner->ID()) << ": " << "Thankya li'lle lady. Ah better get back to whatever ah wuz doin'";}bool EatStew::OnMessage(Miner* pMiner, const Telegram& msg){ //send msg to global message handler return false;}
#include "MinersWife.h"bool MinersWife::HandleMessage(const Telegram & msg) {    return m_pStateMachine->HandleMessage(msg);}void MinersWife::Update() {    SetTextColor(FOREGROUND_RED | FOREGROUND_INTENSITY);    m_pStateMachine->Update();}
#include "MinersWifeOwnedStates.h"#include "MinerOwnedStates.h"#include "MinersWife.h"#include "Locations.h"#include "CrudeTimer.h"#include "MessageDispatcher.h"#include "MessageTypes.h"#include "EntityNames.h"#include 
//-----------------------------------------------------------------------Global stateWifesGlobalState* WifesGlobalState::Instance(){ static WifesGlobalState instance; return &instance;}void WifesGlobalState::Execute(MinersWife* wife){ //1 in 10 chance of needing the bathroom (provided she is not already //in the bathroom) if ((RandFloat() < 0.1) && !wife->GetFSM()->isInState(*VisitBathroom::Instance())) { wife->GetFSM()->ChangeState(VisitBathroom::Instance()); }}bool WifesGlobalState::OnMessage(MinersWife* wife, const Telegram& msg){ SetTextColor(BACKGROUND_RED | FOREGROUND_RED | FOREGROUND_GREEN | FOREGROUND_BLUE); switch (msg.Msg) { case Msg_HiHoneyImHome: { std::cout << "\nMessage handled by " << GetNameOfEntity(wife->ID()) << " at time: " << Clock->GetCurrentTime(); SetTextColor(FOREGROUND_GREEN | FOREGROUND_INTENSITY); std::cout << "\n" << GetNameOfEntity(wife->ID()) << ": Hi honey. Let me make you some of mah fine country stew"; wife->GetFSM()->ChangeState(CookStew::Instance()); } return true; }//end switch return false;}//-------------------------------------------------------------------------DoHouseWorkDoHouseWork* DoHouseWork::Instance(){ static DoHouseWork instance; return &instance;}void DoHouseWork::Enter(MinersWife* wife){ std::cout << "\n" << GetNameOfEntity(wife->ID()) << ": Time to do some more housework!";}void DoHouseWork::Execute(MinersWife* wife){ switch (RandInt(0, 2)) { case 0: std::cout << "\n" << GetNameOfEntity(wife->ID()) << ": Moppin' the floor"; break; case 1: std::cout << "\n" << GetNameOfEntity(wife->ID()) << ": Washin' the dishes"; break; case 2: std::cout << "\n" << GetNameOfEntity(wife->ID()) << ": Makin' the bed"; break; }}void DoHouseWork::Exit(MinersWife* wife){}bool DoHouseWork::OnMessage(MinersWife* wife, const Telegram& msg){ return false;}//------------------------------------------------------------------------VisitBathroomVisitBathroom* VisitBathroom::Instance(){ static VisitBathroom instance; return &instance;}void VisitBathroom::Enter(MinersWife* wife){ std::cout << "\n" << GetNameOfEntity(wife->ID()) << ": Walkin' to the can. Need to powda mah pretty li'lle nose";}void VisitBathroom::Execute(MinersWife* wife){ std::cout << "\n" << GetNameOfEntity(wife->ID()) << ": Ahhhhhh! Sweet relief!"; wife->GetFSM()->RevertToPreviousState();}void VisitBathroom::Exit(MinersWife* wife){ std::cout << "\n" << GetNameOfEntity(wife->ID()) << ": Leavin' the Jon";}bool VisitBathroom::OnMessage(MinersWife* wife, const Telegram& msg){ return false;}//------------------------------------------------------------------------CookStewCookStew* CookStew::Instance(){ static CookStew instance; return &instance;}void CookStew::Enter(MinersWife* wife){ //if not already cooking put the stew in the oven if (!wife->Cooking()) { std::cout << "\n" << GetNameOfEntity(wife->ID()) << ": Putting the stew in the oven"; //send a delayed message myself so that I know when to take the stew //out of the oven Dispatch->DispatchMessage(1.5, //time delay wife->ID(), //sender ID wife->ID(), //receiver ID Msg_StewReady, //msg NO_ADDITIONAL_INFO); wife->SetCooking(true); }}void CookStew::Execute(MinersWife* wife){ std::cout << "\n" << GetNameOfEntity(wife->ID()) << ": Fussin' over food";}void CookStew::Exit(MinersWife* wife){ SetTextColor(FOREGROUND_GREEN | FOREGROUND_INTENSITY); std::cout << "\n" << GetNameOfEntity(wife->ID()) << ": Puttin' the stew on the table";}bool CookStew::OnMessage(MinersWife* wife, const Telegram& msg){ SetTextColor(BACKGROUND_RED | FOREGROUND_RED | FOREGROUND_GREEN | FOREGROUND_BLUE); switch (msg.Msg) { case Msg_StewReady: { std::cout << "\nMessage received by " << GetNameOfEntity(wife->ID()) << " at time: " << Clock->GetCurrentTime(); SetTextColor(FOREGROUND_GREEN | FOREGROUND_INTENSITY); std::cout << "\n" << GetNameOfEntity(wife->ID()) << ": StewReady! Lets eat"; //let hubby know the stew is ready Dispatch->DispatchMessage(SEND_MSG_IMMEDIATELY, wife->ID(), ent_Miner_Bob, Msg_StewReady, NO_ADDITIONAL_INFO); wife->SetCooking(false); wife->GetFSM()->ChangeState(DoHouseWork::Instance()); } return true; }//end switch return false;}
#include "MessageTypes.h"#include "Telegram.h"#include 
#include "EntityNames.h"#include "Miner.h"#include "MinersWife.h"#include "MessageDispatcher.h"#include "EntityManager.h"int main() { // seed random number generator srand((unsigned)time(NULL)); Miner * Bob = new Miner(ent_Miner_Bob); MinersWife * Elsa = new MinersWife(ent_Elsa); EntityMgr->RegisterEntity(Bob); EntityMgr->RegisterEntity(Elsa); for (int i = 0; i < 30; i++) { Bob->Update(); Elsa->Update(); Dispatch->DispatchDelayedMessages(); Sleep(800); } delete Bob; delete Elsa; PressAnyKeyToContinue();}

第3章 如何创建自治的可移动游戏智能体

在20世界80年代晚期,BBC Horizon 一期纪录片,主要讲述了经典的计算机图形和动画.片中呈现的内容精彩纷呈,令人兴奋,其中最生动的莫过于一群鸟的群集行为.它的原理其实十分简单,但看上去的确很自然逼真.节目的设计者叫Craig Reynolds.他称鸟群为"boids",称那些简单原理为操控行为(Steering Behaviors)

  3.1 什么是自治智能体




  行动选择  该部分负责选定目标,指定计划.它告诉我们"到这来"和"做好A,B,然后做C".

  操控    该环节负责计算轨道数据,服务行动选择环节指定的目标和计划.由操控行为执行.操控行为产生一个操控力,它决定智能体往哪移动及如何快速移动

  移动    最后环节.主要产生一个智能体运动的机械因素,即如何从A到B.比如,如果你掌握了骆驼,坦克和金鱼的机械学原理,并命令它们向北走,它们会依据各种不同的力学方法来产生动作,即使它们有相同的意向.将移动环节与操控环节区分开来,就很有可能以相同的


  3.2 交通工具模型

MovingEntity 是一个基类,所有可移动的游戏智能体都继承于它,它封装一些数据,用来描述为质点的基本交通工具

class MovingEntity : public BaseGameEntity {protected:    SVector2D m_vVelocity;    // 一个标准化向量,指向实体的朝向    SVector2D m_vHeading;    //垂直于朝向向量的向量    SVector2D m_vSide;    double m_dMass;    // 实体的最大速度(速率)    double m_dMaxSpeed;    // 实体产生的供以自己动力的最大力(想一下火箭和发送机推力)    double m_dMaxForce;    // 交通工具能旋转的最大速率(弧度每秒)    double m_dMaxTurnRate;public:    /* 忽略无关细节 */};
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class Vehicle : public BaseGameEntity {private:    // a pointer to the world data enabling a vehicle to access any obstacle path, wall, or agent data    GameWorld * m_pWorld;    // the steering behavior class    SteeringBehaviors * m_pSteering;public:    // updates the vehicle's position and orientation    void Update(double time_elapsed);    /* EXTRANEOUS DETAIL OMITTED */};
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  3.3 更新交通工具物理属性

bool Vehicle::Update(double time_elapsed) {    // 计算操控行为的合力    SVector2D SteeringForce = m_pSteering->Calculate();    // 加速度 = 力 / 质量    SVector2D acceleration = SteeringForce / m_dMass;    // 更新速度    m_vVelocity += acceleration * time_elapsed;    // 确保交通工具不超过最大速度    m_vVelocity.Truncate(m_dMaxSpeed);    // 更新位置    m_vPos += m_vVelocity * time_elapsed;    // 如果速度远大于一个很小值,那么更新朝向    if (m_vVelocity.LengthSq() > 0.00000001) {        m_vHeading = Vec2DNormalize(m_vVelocity);        m_vSide = m_vHeading.Perp();    }    // 把屏幕看作环(toroid)    WrapAround(m_vPos, m_pWorld->cxClient(), m_pWorld->cyClient());}
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  3.4 操控行为

    3.4.1 Seek(靠近)


Vector2D SteeringBehaviors::Seek(Vector2D TargetPos) {    Vector2D DesiredVelocity = Vec2DNormalize(TargetPos -m_pVehicle->Pos()) * m_pVechicle->MaxSpeed();    return (DesiredVelocity - m_pVehicle->Velocity());}
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    3.4.2 Flee(离开)


Vector2D SteeringBehaviors::Flee(Vector2D TargetPos) {    Vector2D DesiredVelocity = Vec2DNormalize(m_pVehicle->Pos() - TargetPos) * m_pVehicle->MaxSpeed();    return (DesiredVelocity - m_pVehicle->Velocity());}Vector2D SteeringBehaviors::Flee(Vector2D TargetPos) {    // 如果目标在恐慌距离之内,那么离开,用距离平方计算    const double PanicDistanceSq = 100.0 * 100.0;    if (Vec2DDistanceSq(m_pVehicle->Pos(), target) > PanicDistanceSq) {        return Vector2D(0, 0);    }    Vector2D DesiredVelocity = Vec2DNormalize(m_pVehicle->Pos() - TargetPos) * m_pVehicle->MaxSpeed();    return (DesiredVelocity - m_pVehicle->Velocity));}
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    3.4.3 Arrive(抵达)


enum Deceleration{ slow = 3, normal = 2, fast = 1 };Vector2D SteeringBehaviors::Arrive(Vector2D TargetPos, Deceleration deceleration) {    Vector2D ToTarget = TargetPos - m_pVehicle->Pos();    // 计算到目标位置的距离    double dist = ToTarget.Length();        if (dist > 0) {        // 因为枚举Deceleration是整数int,所以需要这个值提供调整减速度        const double DecelerationTweaker = 0.3;        // 给定预期减速度,计算能达到目标位置所需的速度        double speed = dist / ((double)deceleration * DecelerationTweaker);        // 确保这个速度不超过最大值        speed = min(speed, m_pVehicle->MaxSpeed());        // 这边的处理和Seek一样,除了不需要标准化ToTarget向量,        // 因为我们已经费力地计算了它的长度: dist        Vector2D DesiredVelocity = ToTarget * speed / dist;        return (DesiredVelocity - m_pVehicle->Velocity());    }    return Vector2D(0, 0);}
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    3.4.4 Pursuit(追逐)



追逐者可能会碰到一种提前结束(enables an early out)的情况;如果逃避者在前面,几乎面对智能体,那么智能体应该直接向逃避者当前位置移动.这可以通过点积快速算出.在示范代码中,逃避者朝向的反方向和智能体的朝向必须在20°内(近似)才被认为是面对着的



Vector2D SteeringBehaviors::Pursuit(const Vehicle * evader) {    // 如果逃避者在前面,而且面对着智能体    // 那么我们可以正好靠近逃避者的当前位置    Vector2D ToEvader = evader->Pos() - m_pVehicle->Pos();    double RelativeHeading = m_pVehicle->Heading().Dot(evader->Heading());    if ((ToEvader.Dot(m_pVehicle->Heading()) > 0) && (RelativeHeading < -0.95)) {     // acos(0.95) = 18 degs        return Seek(evader->Pos());    }        // 预测逃避者的位置        // 预测的时间正比于逃避者和追逐者的距离;反比于智能体的速度和逃避者的速度    double LookAheadTime = ToEvader.Length() / (m_pVehicle->MaxSpeed() + evader->Speed());    // 现在靠近逃避者的被预测位置    return Seek(evader->Pos() + evader->Velocity() * LookAheadTime);}LookAheadTime += TurnAroundTime(m_pVehicle, evader->Pos());double TurnAroundTime(const Vehicle * pAgent, Vector2D TargetPos) {    // 确定到目标的标准化向量    Vector2D toTarget = Vec2DNormalize(TargetPos - pAgent->Pos());    double dot = pAgent->Heading().Dot(toTarget);    // 改变这个值得到预期行为    // 交通工具的最大转弯率越高,这个值越大    // 如果交通工具正在朝向到目标位置的反方向    // 那么0.5这个值意味着这个函数返回1秒的时间以便让交通工具转弯.    const double coefficient = 0.5;    // 如果目标直接在前面,那么点积为1,    // 如果目标直接在后面, 那么点积为-1,    // 减去1,除以负的coefficient,得到一个正的值    // 且正比于交通工具和目标的转动角位移    return (dot - 1.0) * -coefficient;}Vehicle * prey = new Vehicle(/* params omitted */);prey->Steering()->WanderOn();Vehicle * predator = new Vehicle(/* params omitted */);predator->Steering()->PursuitOn(prey);
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    3.4.5 Evade(逃避)

Vector2D SteeringBehaviors::Evade(const Vehicle * pursuer) {    /* 没有必要检查面向方向 */    Vector2D ToPursuer = pursuer->Pos() - m_pVehicle->Pos();    double LookAheadTime = ToPursuer.Length() / (m_pVehicle->MaxSpeed() + pursuer->Speed());        return Flee(pursuer->Pos() + pursuer->Velocity() * LookAheadTime);}
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    3.4.6 Wander(徘徊)

    3.4.7 Obstacle Avoidance(避开障碍)

    3.4.8 Wall Avoidance(避开墙)

    3.4.9 Interpose(插入)

    3.4.10 Hide(隐藏)

    3.4.11 Path Following(路径跟随)

    3.4.12 Offset Pursuit(保持一定偏移的追逐)

  3.5 组行为(Group Behaviors)

    3.5.1 Separation(分离)

    3.5.2 Alignment(队列)

    3.5.3 Cohesion(聚集)

    3.5.4 Flocking(群集)

  3.6 组合操控行为(Combining Steering Behaviors)

    3.6.1 加权截断总和(Weighted Truncated Sum)

    3.6.2 带优先级的加权截断累计(Weighted Truncated Running Sum with Prioritization)

    3.6.3 带优先级的抖动(Prioritized Dithering)

  3.7 确保无重叠

  3.8 应对大量交通工具:空间划分

  3.9 平滑

第4章 体育模拟(简单足球)

  4.1 简单足球的环境和规则

    4.1.1 足球场

    4.1.2 球门

    4.1.3 足球

  4.2 设计AI

    4.2.1 SoccerTeam类

    4.2.2 场上队员

    4.2.3 守门员

    4.2.4 AI使用到的关键方法

  4.3 使用估算和假设

  4.4 总结

第5章 图的秘密生命

  5.1 图

    5.1.1 一个更规范化的描述

    5.1.2 树

    5.1.3 图密度

    5.1.4 有向图(Digraph)

    5.1.5 游戏AI中的图

  5.2 实现一个图类

    5.2.1 图节点类(GraphNodeClass)

    5.2.2 图边类(GraphEdgeClass)

    5.2.3 稀疏图类(SparseGraphClass)

  5.3 图搜索算法

    5.3.1 盲目搜索(UninformedGraphSearches)

    5.3.2 基于开销的图搜索(cost-based graph searchs)

  5.4 总结

第6章 用脚本,还是不用?这是一个问题

  6.1 什么是脚本语言

  6.2 脚本语言能为你做什么

    6.2.1 对话流

    6.2.2 舞台指示(Stage Direction)

    6.2.3 AI逻辑

  6.3 在Lua中编写脚本

    6.3.1 为使用Lua设置编译器

    6.3.2 起步

    6.3.3 Lua中的石头剪子布

    6.3.4 与C/C++接口

    6.3.5 Luabind来救援了

  6.4 创建一个脚本化的有限状态自动机

    6.4.1 它如何工作?

    6.4.2 状态(State)

  6.5 有用的链接

  6.6 并不是一切都这么美妙

  6.7 总结

第7章 概览<<掠夺者>>游戏

  7.1 关于这个游戏

  7.2 游戏体系结构概述

    7.2.1 Raven_Game类

    7.2.2 掠夺者地图

    7.2.3 掠夺者武器

    7.2.4 弹药(Projectile)

  7.3 触发器

    7.3.1 触发器范围类(TriggerRegion)

    7.3.2 触发器类(Trigger)

    7.3.3 再生触发器(Respawning Trigger)

    7.3.4 供给触发器(Giver-Trigger)

    7.3.5 武器供给器(Weapon Givers)

    7.3.6 健康值供给器(Health Giver)

    7.3.7 限制生命期触发器(Limited Lifetime Trigger)

    7.3.8 声音通告触发器(Sound Notification Trigger)

    7.3.9 管理触发器:触发器系统(TriggerSystem)类

  7.4 AI设计的考虑

  7.5 实现AI

    7.5.1 制定决策(DecisionMaking)

    7.5.2 移动(Movement)

    7.5.3 路径规划(Path Planning)

    7.5.4 感知(Perception)

    7.5.5 目标选择(Target Selection)

    7.5.6 武器控制(Weapon Handling)

    7.5.7 把所有东西整合起来

    7.5.8 更新AI组件

  7.6 总结

第8章 实用路径规划

  8.1 构建导航图

    8.1.1 基于单元

    8.1.2 可视点

    8.1.3 扩展图形

    8.1.4 导航网

  8.2 <<掠夺者>>游戏导航图

    8.2.1 粗颗粒状的图

    8.2.2 细粒状的图

    8.2.3 为<<掠夺者>>导航图添加物件

    8.2.4 为加速就近查询而使用空间分割

  8.3 创建路径规划类

    8.3.1 规划到达一个位置的一条路径

    8.3.2 规划路径到达一个物件类型

  8.4 节点式路径或边式路径

    8.4.1 注释边类示例

    8.4.2 修改路径规划器类以容纳注释边

    8.4.3 路径平滑

    8.4.4 降低CPU资源消耗的方法

  8.5 走出困境状态

  8.6 总结

第9章 目标驱动智能体行为

  9.1 勇士埃里克的归来

  9.2 实现

    9.2.1 Goal_Composite:Process Subgoals

    9.2.2 Goal_Composite:Remove AllSubgoals

  9.3 <<掠夺者>>角色所使用的目标例子

    9.3.1 Goal_Wander

    9.3.2 Goal_TraverseEdge

    9.3.3 Goal_FollowPath

    9.3.4 Goal_MoveToPosition

    9.3.5 Goal_AttackTarget

  9.4 目标仲裁

    9.4.1 计算寻找一个健康物件的期望值

    9.4.2 计算寻找一种特殊武器的期望值

    9.4.3 计算供给目标的期望值

    9.4.4 计算寻找地图的期望值

    9.4.5 把它们都放在一起

  9.5 扩展

    9.5.1 个性

    9.5.2 状态存储

    9.5.3 命令排队

    9.5.4 用队列编写脚本行为

  9.6 总结

第10章 模糊逻辑

  10.1 普通集合


  10.2 模糊集合

    10.2.1 用隶属函数来定义模糊的边界

    10.2.2 模糊集合运算符

    10.2.3 限制词

  10.3 模糊语言变量

  10.4 模糊规则

    10.4.1 为武器的选择设计模糊语言变量

    10.4.2 为武器的选择设计规则集

    10.4.3 模糊推理

  10.5 从理论到应用: 给一个模糊逻辑模块编码

    10.5.1 模糊l模块类(FuzzyModule)

    10.5.2 模糊集合基类(FuzzySet)

    10.5.3 三角形的模糊集合类

    10.5.4 右肩模糊集合类

    10.5.5 创建一个模糊语言变量类

    10.5.6 为建立模糊规则而设计类

  10.6 <<掠夺者>>中是如何使用模糊逻辑类的

  10.7 库博方法

    10.7.1 模糊推理和库博方法

    10.7.2 实现

  10.8 总结


A Generic Fuzzy State Machine in C++, Game Programming Gems 2, Eric Dysband

Algorithm in C++: Parts 1-4, Robert Sedgewick

Algorithm in C++: Part 5, Robert Sedgewick

Applying UML and Patterns, Craig Larman

Artificial Intelligence: A Modern Approach, Stuart Russell and Peter Norvig

Artificial Intelligence: A New Synthesis, Nils J. Nilsson

C++ Templates: The Complete Guide, David Vandevoorde and Nicolai M.Josuttis

Design Patterns, Erich Gamma, Richard Helm, Ralph Johnson, and John Vlissides

Effective C++, Scott Meyers

Enhancing a State Machine Language through Messaging, AI Game Programming Wisdom, Steve Rabin

Fuzzy Logic: Intelligence, Control, and Information, John Yen and Reza Langari

How Autonomous is an Autonomous Agent? Bertil Ekdahl

Interactions with Groups of Autonomous Characters, Craig Reynolds

It Knows What You're Going To Do: Adding Anticipation to a Quakebot, John E.Laird

Layered Learning in Multiagent Systems: A Winning Approach to Robotic Soccer, Peter Stone

Lua 5.0 Reference Manual

More Effective C++, Scott Meyers

Navigating Doors, Elevators, Ledges and Other Obstacles, AI Game Programming Wisdom, John Hancock

Newtonian Physics, Benjamin Crowell 477

Pathfinding Design Architecture, AI Game Programming Wisdom, Dan Higgins

Pattern Hatching, John Vlissides

Physics for Game Developers, David M. Bourg

Polygon Soup for the Programmer's Soul, Patrick Smith

Smart Moves: Intelligent Pathfinding, Bryan Stout

Steering Behaviors, Christian Schnellhammer and Thomas Feikas

Steering Behaviors for Autonomous Characters, Craig Reynolds

Steering Behaviours, Robin Green

Stigmergy, Self-Organisation, and Sorting in Collective Robotics, Owen Holland and Chris Melhuish

The C++ Programming Language, Bjarne Stroustrup

The C++ Standard Library, Nicolai Josuttis

The Combs Method for Rapid Inference, William E.Combs

The Integration of AI and Level Design in Halo, Jaime Griesemer and Chris Butcher

The Quake 3 Arena Bot, J.M.P. van Waveren

Toward More Realistic Pathfinding, Macro Pinter

UML Distilled, Martin Fowler and Kendall Scott

UML Tutorial: Finite State Machine, Robert C. Martin


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